föstudagur, 30. apríl 2010

3 kort ~~~~ 3 cards

Ég gerði 3 ólík eða ekki ólík kort í vikunni fyrir áskorun á: http://www.papercraftplanet.com/group/digidoodleshopsbest/forum/topics/pcp-digi-doodle-shop-1
það átti að nota ákveðinn stimpil og 3D. Ekki þótti mér leiðinlegt að nota þennan sæta múrsar-kaffibollastimpil sem ég litaði með með TRIA litum frá Letraset.
I made these 3 different or not different cards this week for challenge at: http://www.papercraftplanet.com/group/digidoodleshopsbest/forum/topics/pcp-digi-doodle-shop-1
one was supposed to use certain stamp and some 3D. I did not found it boring to use this cute mouse in a cup stamp which I colored with TRIA markers from Letraset.

And the text in this one says on one side: You are invited...... 
and on the other side: ....ups... who got there previously?

9 ummæli:

  1. ÉG myndað af was not viss hvaða þinn tungumál var Harpa , en it's laglegur til líta á. ÉG stofna a þýðandi , svo ÉG ) segja þú hvernig ógnvekjandi þinn vinna er. vá! Ekki minna en þessir spilahrappur ert ótrúlegur!! Myndað af I am ekki viss hver er minn forsetaframbjóðandi sem á vísan stuðning eigin fylkis. Þakka þú svo mjög mikill fyrir using minn " mús í a Tebolli " stapp , og aðgerð svo sem frábær vinna með það , og garna- þá í okkar áskorun á Tölustafur Krot Búð Best.Hugs

  2. Cute cards and ooh all with the same cute Images....Great creation dear...thanks for play with us at DDSB, hugs, Monika

  3. Love all the cards, very good variations of different fold techniques. The image is really cute. Thanks for joining in with us on Digi Doodle Shops Best.

    jayne xx

  4. Wow you have been busy making three awesome cards. Thanks so much for joining us at Digi Doodle Shop's best challenge hugs Pascale

  5. Harpa, these creations are absolutely fabulous. I love the different folds and different ways that you used the Digi Doodle Shop's stamp.

    Thanks for joining the Digi Doodle Shop's Best Challenge...


  6. Oh my gosh!!! What wonderful creations!!! Thanks so very much for joining us at Digi Doodle Shop's Best and good luck!

  7. What beautiful cards! Love them!
    DDSB Hugs

  8. Cute card! Love what you did with this image! Thanks for joining us at DDSB! :)


  9. Þau eru æðisleg öll músakortin þín :o)
    Elska textann á neðsta kortinu :o)
